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Missing Tooth Treatment
in Rajahmundry


Missing Tooth Treatment in Rajahmundry

Missing teeth can be a result of various reasons. Some lose teeth due to tooth decay, injuries, gum diseases, or just because of age. But you can regain your teeth with missing teeth replacement. If you're tired of missing teeth, visit Latha's Dentist and Dontist for missing teeth replacement treatment in Rajahmundry, where dentists can provide customized solutions and assist you in achieving a confident smile again!

What are missing teeth?

Missing teeth means you have empty spaces where teeth used to be. This can happen for various reasons, Missing teeth can affect your appearance, eating, speaking, and overall dental health. It's important to address missing teeth to keep your smile and oral health healthy.

What are the causes of Missing teeth?

Apart from aging, there can be multiple reasons that can cause missing teeth, including:

Gum Disease:Infections in the gums can weaken the foundation of your teeth, leading to tooth loss.

Tooth Decay: Cavities that aren't treated promptly can damage teeth beyond repair, causing them to fall out.

Oral Injuries: Accidents or injuries to the mouth can result in tooth loss.

Dental Extraction: Sometimes, a dentist may need to remove a tooth for severe damage or other reasons.

Genetics: Eat a balanced diet that supports good oral health. Limit sugary and acidic foods, as they can contribute to dental decay.

Congenital Conditions: Some people are born with missing teeth, which can affect their permanent teeth. When a few teeth don't develop, it's called Hypodontia.

Missing teeth can impact many aspects of life, such as social interactions, chewing food properly, clear speech, self-confidence, and oral health. Addressing missing teeth is essential to maintain a healthy and fulfilling life.

How to treat missing teeth?

There are several options available at Latha’s dentist & dontist super speciality care for missing teeth replacement treatment in Rajahmundry.

Dental Implants:

They can't regrow teeth, but they are the next best thing.

A titanium post is placed in the jaw, and replacement teeth are attached.

They look and feel just like natural teeth and last a long time.

Dental implants are like magic!

Fixed Dental Bridges:

Bridges are for those people who don't want implants.

They work well if a person has multiple missing teeth in one area.

Bridges restore gum's shape and prevent it from going crooked.

The prosthetic teeth are securely attached to your existing teeth.

Removable Partial Dentures:

If you're missing just a few teeth, these dentures are convenient.

They have a gum-colored base that blends in with your natural gum.

You can attach them with anchors or clips and remove them when needed.

These options can help you regain your smile and chew your food comfortably.

Remember, each person has different oral conditions and, based on that, different needs & requirements. It's essential to consult with your dentist to choose the right solution for you.

The Risks of Not Replacing Missing Teeth

Neglecting to replace missing teeth can lead to a series of problems for your oral health:

Greater Chance of Infection:

Losing a tooth can increase the risk of gum disease and bacterial infections.

An empty dental socket becomes a gathering place for food particles and bacteria, challenging regular cleaning.

Nearby teeth become more vulnerable to bacterial attacks, potentially causing further tooth loss.

An empty socket can also provide an entry point for bacteria into the bloodstream, increasing the risk of systemic health issues like heart disease and inflammation of heart valves.

Problems with Your Bite:

An improper bite can lead to teeth grinding and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

These issues may result in enamel damage, headaches, tooth sensitivity, and changes in facial appearance.

Speech impediments/limitations can develop as your mouth's natural movements are affected, with the potential for headaches, advanced tooth decay, and weakened teeth.

Jawbone Mass Reduction:

The most alarming issue of missing teeth is jawbone mass reduction.

A missing tooth can cause gradual loss of jawbone mass, weakening jaw structure.

As bone mass diminishes, the bone collapses, affecting attached muscles and tissues.

Over time, this can impact your overall facial appearance, and it's particularly concerning when it happens at a young age.

It's vital to address missing teeth promptly to avoid these complications. If you have a missing tooth and seek the best replacement, schedule an appointment with our top dentist in Rajahmundry.

What is the cost of missing teeth replacement in Rajahmundry?

The cost of missing teeth replacement depends on factors such as how many teeth are to be replaced, their location, and the treatment option selected. Contact our clinic to know more about missing teeth replacement costs.

Missing teeth not only affect your looks but also your life. So if you are interested in missing tooth replacement, contact our experts.