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Root Canal Treatment
in Rajahmundry


Root Canal Treatment in Rajahmundry

Imagine enjoying a hot cup of coffee, and a sharp, severe pain suddenly shoots through your tooth. Or maybe you feel a persistent ache that just won't go away. These are the signs that you might need a root canal treatment. Dr. Samuel Simpsy at Latha’s Dentist & Dontist is a known specialist for root canal treatment in Rajahmundry.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment, often referred to simply as a "root canal," is a dental procedure designed to save a tooth that is severely damaged or infected. The method involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from inside your tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and sealing them to prevent further infection.

What are the Signs and Symptoms

There can be multiple signs and symptoms that indicate the need for a root canal. A few prominent ones are

Severe Toothache : A persistent, severe toothache is often the most common sign. Eating hot or cold foods and drinks can trigger it.

Swelling : Swelling around the affected tooth or even a pimple-like bump on the gums could indicate an infected tooth.

Sensitivity to Pressure : Feeling pain when you bite down or apply pressure to the tooth is a clear sign that something might be wrong.

Darkening of the Tooth : Discoloration of the tooth can occur when the pulp inside is damaged or dying.

What Will Happen If You Avoid a Root Canal Treatment?

Ignoring the signs and symptoms of a tooth requiring a root canal can lead to serious results. The infection can spread without treatment, causing abscesses, bone loss, and even tooth loss. It's important to address the issue promptly to avoid more extensive and costly dental procedures in the future. Making a decision earlier is beneficial for you and your tooth.

Is Root Canal Treatment Completely Painless?

One of the most common concerns about root canals is the fear of pain. However, the procedure is usually gentle with modern techniques and anesthesia. You may feel some discomfort, but it is typically no worse than getting a regular filling. A root canal is often performed to relieve the intense pain caused by an infected tooth.

Do I Require a Crown After Root Canal Treatment?

After a root canal, your tooth may become more delicate and prone to fractures. A crown is often recommended to protect the tooth and restore its strength and functionality. A crown is a custom-made cap that fits over the treated tooth, providing long-term protection and a natural appearance.

What is the Cost of Painless Root Canal Treatment in Rajahmundry?

The cost of a root canal treatment depends on the treatment plans, including the damage's extent and the type of crown used. It depends on the condition of your oral health. To know more about the cost of root canal treatment in Rajahmundry, consult our experts.

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that can save your tooth from pain and decay. It's crucial to recognize the signs and symptoms of a tooth that requires a root canal and seek prompt treatment to avoid more extensive dental issues.

While the idea of a root canal may sound terrifying, modern dentistry has made the procedure relatively painless and can assist in preserving your smile for years to come. So if you want to get relief from severe tooth pain by undergoing root canal treatment in Rajamundry, visit Dr Samual Simpsy at Dr Latha’s Dentist & Dontist.